
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Service Connection for Military Veterans

Veterans returning home from the War in Iraq and Afghanistan have encountered an abundance of undiagnosed medical conditions specifically due to some type of trauma, such as an accident, explosive device blast, or injuries from falling. The issue at hand is that the majority ofthe symptoms associated with TBI such as headaches, memory loss, anxiety, and difficulties putting words together can go undiagnosed for months following a TBI head injury. Veterans who have sustained an undiagnosed TBI have not properly undergone treatment and their symptoms are unseen, so they can be challenging to recognize and diagnose. According to the 38 CFR 3.310(d) the Department of Veteran Affairs prior service members who have sustained TBI related injuries while on active duty shall be held to the proximate result of the service connected TBI in the absence of clear evidence to the contrary:

  1. Parkinson’s disease following moderate or service TBI
  2. Unprovoked seizure following moderate or severe TBI
  3. Dementia that has manifest within 15 years following moderate or severe TBI
  4. Depression to which symptoms have manifest within 1-3 years following moderate to mild TBI
  5. Hypothalamo-pituitary changes that has manifested within 12 months of moderate or severe TBI

If you have been denied VA Compensation disability claim benefits due to any undiagnosed TBI related signs or symptom then Contact Favorable Disability Advocates online at https://www.favorabledisabilityadvocates.com/veterans-disability/ or call (737) 777-6547 to determine whether you are entitled for more.

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